When to use a drill-down question

Sometimes there are a lot of possible answers and you want to help your customer narrow them down to just a small set from which they can pick the one most relevant to them.

Enter the drilldown: a way to get down to the nitty-gritty by asking multiple questions at once.

Every time a user provides an answer, a follow-up question is shown with additional options based on the previous answer. No more options available? You’ve drilled all the way down and have your answer!

Sounds complicated? Let’s look at a simple example.

Here, we use a drilldown question to find out which exact car a customer drives. We’re doing this by asking the for the Brand, Model and Year it was built:

Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 10.58.27.png


Creating a drill-down question takes four steps:

1. Define how many levels you need

How many answers-steps (levels) does your question have? Based on our example, a customer can give a total of 3 answers, so we’ve set our drilldown to 3 levels.



2. Add the input labels

An optional label can be shown above the answer inputs a customer uses. If the answers are clear without providing more context, you could leave these blank. You can also play around with the length of your drilldown labels, for example: